What I listened to in November

Well would ya look at that eh! I’ve decided to start a YouTube channel to go alongside the blog where I can talk about music in a more candid way, and to cash in on some of the multi-media goodness.

The first series I’m going to be doing on there is ‘What I Listened To This Month’, which I got the inspiration for from other creators who do similar videos for music, films and more. It’s a chance for me to chat about the all the stuff that I’ve been spinning as of late (and to get dressed up to the dime too).

Check out the first episode at the link above and subscribe for more content in the future!

Munro Page

Munro Page is a music blogger and former student radio host based in Cardiff, Wales. He likes: thrift stores, cooking and parrots. He dislikes: chain restaurants, the M25 and Simply Red.