About me

Hi, I’m Munro Page! Welcome to my blog for music, film and other bits and bobs.
Like most music lovers, I listen to far too many records and have far too many opinions on what I listen to. As well as sonic stuff, I’m always down to discuss movies too, as well cultural stuff that has caught my attention. This then is the place I put all of my thoughts and meanderings. Thanks for swinging by!
This is the main site for all of my content and posts. You can find my video content on my YouTube channel, as well as on TikTok. For more music review stuff, find me on BestEverAlbums.com and on Rate Your Music. I’m also on Letterboxd, where you can see the films I’ve been getting in to as of late.
I’m a former presenter, producer and committee member of Xpress Radio, Cardiff University’s online student radio station. I have a degree in Politics, and am currently employed in an audience engagement role. Outside of work, I have passions for cooking, fashion, history and geography. I’m also an unabashed nerd for all things engineering – planes, trains, cars, you name it.
My music taste is wide and all over the place. Aside from a few strong reservations about some artists, I can get along with just about anything. I seek out new music like it’s an addiction, and I’m always keen to go to a gig or two. Check out my Spotify profile to see what I’m listening to at the moment.